About cookies

DENSIQ’s website uses cookies to gather information about the use of the website. This is in order to optimise the content of the website and to make it more user-friendly for everybody. A cookie is a small text tile that is stored on your computer. It solely consists of text, does no harm to your computer, takes up practically no space and cannot contain a virus.

There are two types of cookies, permanent and session cookies. A permanent cookie remains on the visitor’s computer for a determined period of time. A session cookie is stored temporarily in the computer memory while the visitor is using the website. Session cookies disappear when you close your browser.

On DENSIQ’s website, a session cookie is used you keep track of your login while using of our customer web. When you finish the login, or when you close the browser, the cookie is deleted. If you do not want to accept cookies, you can change the setting in your browser so cookies are not accepted. However, to log in to the customer web, your browser must accept cookies to function.