With the help of documented technology, well trained engineers and modern equipment, we can carry out retubing and plugging of condensers, heat exchangers and coolers.
Our service includes
✓ Localisation of leaks in tube heat exchangers
✓ Plugging tubes with Densiplugg
✓ Extraction of tubes
✓ Replacement of tubes
✓ Techniques for producing new grooves
✓ Equipment for indentation with documentation for each individual indentation
✓ Turning/milling of all seal surfaces
✓ Hydraulic bolt tensioning
✓ Delivery of copper, brass, steel, stainless steel tubes as well as alloyed and ribbed tubes
✓ Sealed welding of tube ends in tube sheet
✓ Manufacture of tube sheets, baffle structures, stays, struts, etc.
✓ Exhaustive documentation of the project.
✓ Inspection, advice etc.